Seminar: Energy Conservation at Museums in Consideration of an Appropriate Environment for Cultural Properties

 On December 4, 2008, a seminar on the theme of conserving energy at museums with a view to maintaining an appropriate environment for cultural properties was held in the seminar room of the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo. This theme had been chosen at a meeting of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques as one that the Institute would study in cooperation with museums.
 Two lectures were given at this seminar: Mr. Maekawa Shin of the Getty Conservation Institute (USA) spoke on energy conservation for museums with consideration for storage and display environment and Mr. Shiraishi Yasuyuki of the University of Kitakyushu spoke on comprehensive assessment system building environmental efficiency (CASBEE) and its case studies. Reports on concrete endeavors on this matter were also given by the Kyushu National Museum and Saitama Prefectural Museum of History and Folklore.
 A total of 141 people participated in the seminar and held active discussions.

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