■Tokyo National Research
Institute for Cultural Properties |
■Center for Conservation
Science |
■Department of Art Research,
Archives and Information Systems |
■Japan Center for
International Cooperation in Conservation |
■Department of Intangible
Cultural Heritage |
Director Nakamura of Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association (left) and Director General Kamei of the Institute (right)
President Mitani of Tokyo Art Club Co., Ltd. (left) and Director General Kamei (right)
The National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo received offers of donations from Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association (Director: Jun NAKAMURA) specifically to subsidize public release (publishing projects) of the research results of the Institute and from Tokyo Art Club Co., Ltd. (President: Tadahiko MITANI) specifically to subsidize the research projects of the Institute.
The donations were received at Tokyo Art Club on December 17th and, as an expression of gratitude, a letter of appreciation was presented by Director General Kamei each to Director Nakamura of Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association and President Mitani of Tokyo Art Club.
The Institute expresses deep gratitude for the donations that were made based on kind understanding towards the projects of the Institute and will make the best use of the donated money for the projects of the Institute.
Students receiving explanatory guidance from the head of Archives Section
On December 17th, students of the Fieldwork Introductory Course, which has been run with the aim to develop human resources who are capable to conduct research on and make effective use of regional cultural assets, visited the Museum to learn, for their future activities, correct knowledge about cultural assets and protection of cultural assets. Students were given an explanatory tour by Mitsuru IIJIMA, Director of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Naoto YOSHIDA, Head of Conservation Science Section), and Tetsuei TSUDA, Head of Archives Section.
Two visitors from the National Museum of Korea, the Republic of Korea
On November 5, they visited the Institute to take a close look at our equipment to be used as a reference against new equipment they planned to purchase. The visitors toured the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques, where leading researchers explained their work.
Lecture by Deputy Director of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques
21 visitors from the Japan Air Cleaning Association
On November 16, the members of the Association visited the Institute to extend their knowledge about cultural properties in general and learn conservation science and restoration techniques closely related to air quality environment. After attending the lecture by Deputy Director Chie Sano of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques, they toured the Library of the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, and the Performing Arts Studio of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Leading researchers in each department explained their work
Four students from the Korean National University of Cultural Heritage
On November 17, the students visited the Institute to obtain information on folding screen painting techniques from our experts in the restoration of Japanese paintings for their reference in the investigation of the conditions of Japanese folding screens at the University, as well as in determination of their restoration approaches. They toured the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation, where leading researchers explained their work.
Students at a briefing lecture on global activities of the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation
Nine students from Tokyo Gakugei University
On October 5, the students visited the Institute to foster better understanding of our latest activities, such as research on domestic and overseas cultural properties and cooperation in the safeguarding of cultural properties, for the promotion of their on-going study. Leading researchers briefed participants on their operations at the Library of the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, the Performing Arts Studio of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the Conservation Science Section of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques. In addition to these, at the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation, global activities of the Institute were also introduced by a researcher in charge.
Explanation provided in the Physical Laboratory of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques
44 new staffs for the Independent Administrative Institution of the National Institutes for Cultural Heritages
As part of the training for new hires of the Independent Administrative Institution of the National Institutes for Cultural Heritages, 44 staff members visited the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo, on July 10. They toured the Library of the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, the Performing Arts Studio of the Intangible Cultural Property Section and the Physical Laboratory of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques. The staff members in charge of each section explained the work they do.
Receiving an explanation of the display in the Institute’s Lobby
13 visitors from the Graduate School of the National Taipei University of Education in Taiwan
As a part of student training, visitors from the National Taipei University of Education visited the Institute on April 3 to learn about the Institute’s projects and the results of its research. The visitors toured the Library of the Department of Art Research, Archives, and Information Systems and the Performing Arts Studio of the Intangible Cultural Properties Section. The visitors also viewed a display of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques on “Conservation of Modern Cultural Properties: The role of the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo” at the lobby of the Institute. Leading researchers in each sections explained their work. In the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation, researchers described the Institute’s international efforts.
37 visitors from the Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan
On January 19, visitors from the Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan visited the Institute to tour facilities of preservation and restoration techniques for cultural properties and facilities of scientific research and digital archive. Visitors also toured the Library of the Department of Art Research, Archives, and Information Systems and Chemistry Laboratory No. 3 of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques, and staff members in charge of those facilities explained their work. Afterwards, visitors attended a lecture by SHIRONO Seiji, artificer of Department of Art Research, Archives, and Information Systems.
Five members from the Juming Museum (Taiwan)
On December 1, personnel from the Juming Museum visited the Institute to inspect about the research activities of and the collection of art materials and management of digital archives by National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo. The visitors discussed research efforts with researchers in the Department of Art Research, Archives, and Information Systems in detail.
Five members from the New Taipei City Library in Taiwan
On December 19, personnel from the New Taipei City Library visited the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo to visit its facilities. The visitors inspected a library of the Department of Art Research, Archives, and Information Systems. Researchers in a library and the Archives Section explained the work they do.
Mr. NAKAMURA, Director of the Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association (l.), and Mr. KAMEI, Director General of the Institute (r.)
Mr. MITANI, President of the Tokyo Art Club (l.), and Mr. KAMEI, Director General of the Institute (r.)
Offers for donations to the Institute were received from the Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association (Director: NAKAMURA Jun) and the Tokyo Art Club (President: MITANI Tadahiko). The Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association aims to fund publication of the Institute’s research results and the Tokyo Art Club intends to fund the Institute’s research projects.
We received the donations with great appreciation on November 5 at the Tokyo Art Club. KAMEI Nobuo, Director General of the Institute, presented a certificate of appreciation to both Mr. NAKAMURA, Director of the Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association, and Mr. MITANI, President of the Tokyo Art Club.
We are glad both organizations are aware of our activities and we are most grateful for their donations. We look forward to using these donations to fund our activities.
An explanation in a restoration laboratory 2
29 participants in “The Training Session for Restores of Cultural Properties (artworks and craftworks)” organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan.
On October 31, training session participants visited the Institute in order to view the work it does as a national center for research on cultural properties. The visitors inspected restoration laboratories, a restoration studio (urushi), and a biology laboratory 1 of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques and a performing arts recording studio of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The staff members in charge of each section explained the work they do.
The signing ceremony: In the foreground are Mr. U Mya Than, Acting General Director of the Small-Scale Industries Department, Ministry of Co-operatives (on the right) and Mr. KAMEI Nobuo, Director General, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo (on the left), with Mr. U Aung Phyu, Director General of the Co-operative Department, Ministry of Co-operatives behind them.
Since Fiscal 2013, the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo has been implementing a technical survey in regard to traditional lacquer-ware in Myanmar. The National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo has drawn up an agreement with the Small-Scale Industries Department of Myanmar’s Ministry of Co-operatives in regard to the protection of Myanmar’s lacquer-ware cultural heritage; the signing ceremony for this agreement was held on September 9, at the offices of Myanmar’s Small-Scale Industries Department. Attending the ceremony to affix their signatures to the agreement were Mr. U Mya Than, Acting Director General of the Small-Scale Industries Department, Ministry of Co-operatives, Mr. U Aung Phyu, Director General of the Co-operative Department, Ministry of Co-operatives, and Mr. KAMEI Nobuo, Director General, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo.
Through the signing of this agreement, it has been possible to clarify the goals and content of the collaborative activities in which National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo is involved in Myanmar, and it can be anticipated that these collaborative endeavors will proceed smoothly and productively in the future.
An explanation in a restoration laboratory 2
14 members from the Takaoka Regional Restoration for Cultural Properties Association in Toyama Prefecture.
On August 18, members from the Takaoka Regional Restoration for Cultural Properties Association visited the institute. They visited a fumigation laboratory, a restoration laboratory 2, and a restoration studio (urushi) of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques. The staff members in charge of each section explained the work they do
An explanation at the Conservation Laboratory 1
Fourty-four New Staff Members from the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
On July 24, fourty-four New Staff Members from the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage visited the Institute as part of their training.
They toured the Library of the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, the Performing Arts Recording Studio of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the Chemistry Laboratory, the Conservation Laboratory 1 of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques.
The staff members in charge of each section explained the work they do.
NAKAMURA Jun, Chairman of the Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association (left) and KAMEI Nobuo, Director
MITANI Tadahiko, President of the Tokyo Art Club (left) and KAMEI Nobuo, Director General of the Institute (right)
Offers for donations to the Institute were received from the Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association (NAKAMURA Jun, Chairman) and the Tokyo Art Club (MITANI Tadahiko, President). The Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association aims to fund publication of the Institute’s research results and the Tokyo Art Club intends to fund the Institute’s research projects. On December 24, we gratefully received the donations at the Tokyo Art Dealers’ Association.
We are glad that both organizations are aware of our activities and are most grateful for their donations. We look forward to using these donations to fund our activities.
An explanation gave to the visitors in a chemical science laboratory.
A group of 5 visitors from the Korea National University of Culture Heritage
The group visited the Institute on November 18th to examine the Institute’s preservation and restoration facilities to learn about case studies of international collaboration. The visitors were shown round a chemical science laboratory at the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques as well as the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation with the staff explaining the work conducted at these facilities.
Visitors given a presentation in a chemical science laboratory
Staff gave an explanation to visitors in a demonstration recording room
Staff gave an explanation to visitors in a restoration laboratory
Visitors were given a presentation at the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation
A group of 14 visitors from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand
The group visited the Institute on October 7th to learn about the latest techniques which is used in the preservation of traditional Japanese buildings and structures. They were given a tour of a chemical science laboratory the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques and the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation, where the staff explained the work carried out by these two Centers.
A group of 17 visitors from the Cultural Properties Science at the Department of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
The group visited the Institute on October 7th to be given a tour round the cultural properties preservation and restoration facilities. The visitors were shown round a library in the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, a demonstration recording room in the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage and a chemical science laboratory at the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques with the staff explaining the work undertaken in these facilities.
A group of 36 visitors from the “Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Museums—Working Together with Local People” Museum Revitalization Support Project organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs
The group visited the Institute on October 11th to be given a tour round the cultural properties preservation and restoration facilities. The visitors were shown round a biological science laboratory and restoration laboratory at the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques, where the staff explained the work carried out in these facilities.
A group of 14 visitors from Kanazawa University
The group visited the Institute on October 18th to learn about the current state of international collaboration in the field of cultural properties conservation and about the latest developments in preservation and restoration techniques. The visitors were shown round a chemical science laboratory at the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques as well as the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation with the staff explaining the work conducted at these facilities.
An explanation at the Radiography Laboratory (August 30)
Thirteen visitaors from ICCROM’s “International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper”
On August 30, thirteen visitors from ICCROM’s “International Course on Conservation of Japanese Paper” visited the Institute as part of their training session.
They toured the Performing Arts Recording Studio in the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the Restoration Studio, the Conservation Laboratory, the Chemistry Laboratory and the Radiography Laboratory in the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques.
The staff members in charge of each section explained the work they do.
An explanation at the Library (July 24)
Thirty-one New Staff Members from the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
On July 23–24, thirty-one New Staff Members from the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage visited the Institute as part of their training.
They toured the Library of the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, the Performing Arts Recording Studio of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the Conservation Laboratory of the Center for Conservation Science and Restoration Techniques.
The staff members in charge of each section explained the work they do.