The 7th Seminar on Research and Management regarding the Conservation Environment for Cultural Properties – Sustainable Environmental Management in Consideration of Global Warming –

Workshop venue

 This seminar was jointly held by the National Center for the Promotion of Cultural Properties and Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties with the aim of gaining a common understanding of the specialized survey and evaluation methods used for the conservation environment for cultural properties, as well as of the materials and tools used in improving storage environments or providing safe storage.

 The 7th meeting, titled “Sustainable Environmental Management in Consideration of Global Warming” was held on March 1, 2024, in a conference room of the National Center for the Promotion of Cultural Properties. Dr. MIZUTANI Etsuko, a researcher with the Cultural Heritage Disaster Risk Management Center, joined in an international workshop, “Changing Climate Management Strategies Workshop” held in Melbourne, Australia, in August 2023. She shared the contents of the workshop, identified issues in this seminar, and held discussions. She talked about the outlook of the workshop, held in response to the global climate change crisis, which has increased the worldwide need to conserve and utilize cultural heritage in more sustainable ways. Lectures, practical training, and discussions were held on the issues and solutions to be implemented in museums around the world. In particular, in a lecture on the historical background of management of the conservation environment for cultural heritage, changes to the guidelines for the temperature and humidity of conservation environment were shown as essential for promoting sustainable management strategies in the future. At the same time, a lecture was held on risk assessment and monitoring methods for cultural heritage, and on the last day, there were reports and discussions about individual cases; thus, it was a very dense workshop.

 While participating in the workshop, Dr. MIZUTANI presented the participants with an issue concerning the impact of global warming on the conservation environment, and raised the subject of management of the conservation environment, and how to proceed with management strategies in Japan. There were five curators in charge of conservation or experts in conservation science at the venue in person, and 12 such persons participated in the seminar online, and these participants posed various questions related to the fundamentals of the conservation environment.

 This seminar was a good opportunity to learn about overseas trends in environmental management for the sustainable preservation of cultural properties, and to reconsider how to deal with global warming and management of the conservation environment in Japan.

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