Participation in the 58th Autumn Conference of the Korean Society of Conservation Science for Cultural Heritage

A presentation by a participant
Kongju National University, the venue of the event

 Mr. CHIBA Tsuyoshi, Researcher of the Center for Conservation Science, participated in the 58th Autumn Conference of the Korean Society of Conservation Science for Cultural Heritage held at Kongju National University, South Korea, on November 10-11, 2023.
 In recent years, interest in the protection of modern cultural heritage has been increasing in South Korea. At the conference, a special session entitled “Research on Establishment of Standard Specifications for Conservation Treatment of Nationally Registered Cultural Properties (Movable Property) (1st round)” (hosted by the Cultural Heritage Administration and chaired by Dr. KIM Gyu-Ho, Kongju National University) discussed what kind of systems and conservation methods should be used to protect modern cultural heritage.
 Under the title of “Overview and Examples of Modern Cultural Heritage Protection in Japan,” Mr. Chiba reported on the current status of modern cultural heritage protection in the Japanese cultural property protection system, and outlined the characteristics of modern cultural heritage and the technical, theoretical, and institutional issues involved in its preservation.
 The modern era (Meiji era of Japan; late 19th to early 20th century) was a time of internationalization in many parts of the world, and in Japan, cultural heritage produced during this period often incorporates new materials and techniques brought from abroad. In addition to the diversification of materials and techniques, there are many unique aspects of modern cultural heritage, such as the “large number of industrial products,” and “many items still in use today.
 In addition to domestic research, international exchange is also important for the preservation of modern cultural heritage, which uses many common materials that transcend national borders, in contrast to traditional materials and techniques that are based on regional characteristics. We would like to continue to learn from each other’s efforts in both countries and deepen our research and exchange.

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