Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties Center for Conservation Science
Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation
Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Participation in the 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee

Main venue, Bharat Mandapam
The Japanese delegation observes deliberation on the Sado Island Gold Mines

 The 46th session of the World Heritage Committee was held in New Delhi, India from July 21 to 31, 2024, in which we four members of the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (TOBUNKEN) participated as observers, three from the Japan Center for International Cooperation in Conservation and one from the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems.

 The Committee brings together representatives of the State Parties to the World Heritage Convention and advisory bodies to deliberate on new nominations, state of conservation etc., of World Heritage sites. Twenty-four new sites were added to the World Heritage List this time, bringing the total number to 1,223. Regarding the “Sado Island Gold Mines,” widely reported in Japan, ICOMOS had recommended reconsideration of the contents and boundaries of the property and requested additional information from the State Party to facilitate the boundary revision. Subsequently, the handling of correspondence by the Japanese government led this site to an inscription on the List, decided unanimously by the Committee. In the deliberations on the state of conservation, inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger was avoided the for all four properties previously recommended, including Stonehenge in the UK, due to a planning of highway construction at its boundary. On the other hand, the St. Hilarion Monastery in Palestine, currently at risk of destruction from war, was newly nominated and simultaneously inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

 At side events held during the session, the latest trends related to World Heritage Sites were introduced by various State Parties and organizations. Outside of the plenary session, a series of forums was organized for site managers and young professionals, who held lively discussions on pressing issues such as sustainable heritage management.

 Participating in a World Heritage Committee session on-site is a very rare opportunity to learn about the latest international trends, hardly obtainable online. TOBUNKEN will continue to disseminate information, including the content of this event, through such measures as hosting a World Heritage Seminar this November.

International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage from the Viewpoint of Technologies ― the 31st Seminar Held by JCIC-Heritage

The 31st seminar
The 31st seminar logo

 JCIC-Heritage, whose secretariat is commissioned to the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, held the 31st Seminar ―International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage from the Viewpoint of Technologies on August 28th, 2022 online.

 The introduction of new technologies brings a shift in the investigation and research methods of the international cooperation themselves, and makes various tasks related to cultural heritage far more efficient and sophisticated. The objective of this seminar was to discuss how we should work with new technologies appearing one after another in our activities held in various social and cultural backgrounds, while introducing case studies in actual international cooperation projects concerning Japan.

 First, Dr. KAMEI Osamu from the National Museum for Nature and Science reviewed the technology characteristics in a report titled the Changes of Technologies in Societies: How We Should Work with New Technologies. Then, Prof. SHIMODA Ichita from the University of Tsukuba introduced the case of a large-scale technology implementation by the cooperation of multiple nations titled Multilateral Cooperation for Adapting New Technology: Research and Protection of Cultural Heritage by Cambodian Archaeological LiDAR Initiative. Lastly, Mr. NOGUCHI Atsushi from Kanazawa University reported the cases of human resource development utilizing prevalent technology products such as digital cameras and smartphones titled Extending Cultural Heritage Protection Using the Latest Technologies at Hand: Towards Documentation which Anyone Can Work Together.

 At the end of the seminar, an active panel discussion was held, moderated by Dr. KAMEI and TOMODA Masahiko, the secretary general of JCIC-Heritage (Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties) and the other lecturers. Please visit JCIC-Heritage website for the seminar’s details: (Japanese only).

Renewal of the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Brochure

Cover of new brochure
Some contents of the brochure

 The Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage (JCIC-Heritage) is the hub council for protection of cultural heritage abroad; individual experts and institutes in various fields participate by working on international cooperation. JCIC-Heritage serves to promote collaboration of various activities related to cultural heritage and support effective international cooperation. JCIC-Heritage was established under the management of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2006 based on the ideas of the late HIRAYAMA Ikuo, a great painter. The Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (TOBUNKEN) has been commissioned and serves as its secretariat.

 JCIC-Heritage largely renewed its brochure to disseminate Japan’s cultural heritage international cooperation activities and its own to wider audience. While the previous version was compact mainly illustrated with texts, the new version is full of photo images vividly inspiring international cooperation through Japanese cultural heritage protection activities around the world, and everyday activities to support them. We believe that this new brochure leads readers to a better understanding of how to protect cultural heritage facing damages caused by various factors including destruction by humans, climate change, natural disasters, and experts’ efforts to tackle these challenges.

 The new brochure is available via the JCIC-Heritage website; the secretariat will distribute and send it per request. Please feel free to contact us.

Symposium 2021 Maritime Network and Cultural Heritage -People and Objects connected by Oceans- Held by the Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage (JCIC-Heritage)

Poster of the Symposium the Oceans and Cultural Heritage - the Oceans Have Connected People and Products
Forum the World Connected through the Oceans by Presenters

 Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage (JCIC-Heritage), which the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (TOBUNKEN) is commissioned as its secretariat by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, held the webinar Maritime Network and Cultural Heritage -People and Objects connected by Oceans- on November 28th, 2021.

 Cultural heritage related to the oceans exists in many locations worldwide. It is a witness to people’s living, society, history, and culture at that time. Although in the past, there were scarce ways of knowing where the products transported by oceans had come from, latest technologies and analysis methods have made it possible to locate the original source of these products. This symposium aimed to introduce the international trends and case studies on the protection of cultural heritage related to the maritime network, share Japanese researchers’ contributions in this area, and consider the potential roles of Japan in facilitating international collaboration in this field.

 ISHIMUMRA Tomo from TOBUNKEN briefed on the purpose of the symposium, followed by five lectures: The Appeal and Significance of Research on Sunken Ships – Time Capsules of the Sea- by Dr. SASAKI Randall from the Maritime Archaeology Lab; Opening the Sea Route, Voyages, and Shipbuilding by Dr. KIMURA Jun from Tokai University; Glass Beads Brought across the Oceans-East-West Trade and the Road of Glass by Dr. TAMURA Tomomi from the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties; People Crossing the Maritime World – Islamic merchants, including the merchants of Hormuz by Dr. YOKKAICHI Yasuhiro from Rikkyo University; and Places where the Sea and Land Meet- Port Cities of Asian Waters: Shophouse & Courtyard House by Dr. FUNO Shuji from Nihon University.

 Following these lectures, the forum entitled the World Connected through the Oceans was conducted with two more commentators: Dr. SUTO Yoshiyuki and Dr. ITO Nobuyuki from Nagoya University. The forum consisted of four sessions with the following perspectives: Exchange between the West and the East via the Oceans and the Lands; Ships, and their Technologies; Ocean Network in the Mediterranean World and the New Continental World; and Japan’s International Cooperation related to the Maritime Network and Cultural Heritage.

 At the end of the symposium, Prof. YAMAUCHI Kazuya from Teikyo University made a closing remark. He emphasized the importance to protect and conserve cultural heritage related to the maritime network, which are witness to the fact that human beings have connected the world via their ocean explorations.

 Although it was JCIC-Heritage’s first attempt to conduct an online symposium, it was successful with about 200 participants from 11 countries. The JCIC-Heritage will continue to collect and disseminate the relevant information.

 Please visit the following webpage for the further details.

The Urgent Statement on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Afghanistan by JCIC-Heritage

The Urgent Statement on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Afghanistan

Due to the dramatic change in the political situation of Afghanistan, JCIC-Heritage (Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage), which our research institute has been commissioned to manage by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, released the Urgent Statement on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Afghanistan on 18th of August, 2021. The whole sentences are as below. JCIC-Heritage will continuously collaborate with the related organizations and make every effort for the protection of cultural heritage in Afghanistan.

“Urgent Statement on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Afghanistan”
Due to the rapid change in the political situation of Afghanistan, there is strong concern about the likelihood of looting and destruction targeting the country’s historical cultural heritage, especially archaeological sites, and museums.
  The Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage (JCIC-Heritage) is extremely concerned that the irreplaceable cultural heritage of Afghanistan is in great danger.
  The consortium was established to promote collaboration among related organizations and experts in Japan and facilitate a greater Japanese role in international cooperation in the field of cultural heritage protection. Since 2001, activities in Afghanistan have been a critical pillar in the history of Japan’s international cooperation in cultural heritage, which have achieved significant results by cooperating with Afghanistan, other countries, and international organizations.
  It is widely recognized that cultural heritage is a common treasure that tells the history of humanity. Cultural heritage also plays an important role as a source of national unity and identity, as well as facilitating regional and national development. Wishing to prevent any attacks on cultural heritage and mitigate its illicit transfer, we urge all parties and individuals concerned to act in a calm and considered manner. We also would like to share our concerns with the international community.
  JCIC-Heritage hereby express our strong resolution to continue offering support for the protection of Afghanistan’s cultural heritage. We hope that the people of Afghanistan will be able to live in safety and security, and that the current situation will be stabilized as soon as possible.

18th August, 2021
AOYAGI Masanori
Chair Person of JCIC-Heritage

JCIC-Heritage holds the 29th JCIC-Heritage Seminar: “Retention and Succession of the Information associated with Cultural Heritage~For Whom and What Purpose~

The 29th Seminar: "Preservation and Transmission of Information on Cultural Heritage”
The 29th Seminar in session

Today, the progress of recording technology, including digital archives, has enabled storing the information on cultural heritage in databases and interactive efforts have been initiated to consistently collect (specific) information unique to different regions around the world.
 In order to discuss appropriate ways of retaining and passing down information related to cultural heritage and possibilities of future international cooperation in this field, JCIC-Heritage (Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage, which our research institute has been commissioned to manage by the Agency for Cultural Affairs), held a webinar on August 9, 2021, titled “Retention and Succession of the Information associated with Cultural Heritage~For Whom and What Purpose~”.
 SAITO Reiko (National Museum of Ethnology) gave a lecture titled, “Info-Forum museum and Utilization of Ainu Ethnic Materials.” KUBOTA Hiromichi, Head of the Intangible Folk Cultural Properties Section, presented a lecture titled “Recording and Utilization of Information Related to Intangible Cultural Heritage.” HAYASHI Kengo (University of Tokyo) delivered a lecture titled “40 Years of the Asian Modern Architectural Heritage Database: Its Development, Transformation, and Challenges.” In the following panel discussion, the possibility of international cooperation through the creation of databases on cultural heritage and the type of information to be recorded in them was discussed between the panelists with KONDO Yasuhisa (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) as the moderator.
 Nowadays, more people with various backgrounds have concern regarding how to retain information related to cultural heritage and to whom it should be inherited. In addition, the methods and objectives for those matters have been diversified. JCIC-Heritage will continue to collect and disseminate relevant information.
 See the following JCIC-Heritage web page for details about this seminar.

JCIC Heritage Research Project Maritime Network and Cultural Heritage FY2021 Report

Online meeting of the International Cooperation Survey Working Group
Online Interview – International Cooperation Survey

 Many different cultures and civilizations have met through the oceans since ancient times. Both the land and oceans have become the stage for international exchanges between humans and objects. New trends have recently gained momentum in revising global history with a focus on oceans, pursuing transformation from a land-centric viewpoint. These new movements require new perspectives on surveys, research, and the protection of cultural heritage related to global exchanges through oceans.

 The Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage (JCIC-Heritage), whose secretariat was commissioned to the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (TOBUNKEN)by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, proposed the “maritime network” based on the fact that many routes connect regions despite their distance by exchanges over oceans to form networks, and their influence reaches into the inner lands through ports and harbors. JCIC-Heritage attempted to grasp the trends in the protection of cultural heritage related to maritime networks in countries all over the world.

 Surveys were conducted using various methods and related activities over two years, including questionnaires targeting 29 institutes in 27 countries, online interviews, forums, and symposia. They revealed various aspects of the exchanges between people, objects, and cultures through the oceans. In addition, we received information on the current status of the protection of cultural heritage related to maritime networks and expectations for international cooperation in these fields. Please read this report: Maritime Network and Cultural Heritage. JCIC-Heritage will continue to collect and disseminate information in the given field. (

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