World Heritage Seminar FY 2021, How Should We Describe "Seibi"? (Part 2)


This is the proceedings of the seminar held by TOBUNKEN in F.Y.2021 through online video distribution. It highlights how to describe the term "Seibi," which is a controversial issue in the World Heritage nomination process and conservation in Japan. It includes several case studies as well as discussion.

JAPANESE, 104pages 

published in March 2022

PDF files

Series of instruments for protecting cultural property [26]: Canada


This booklet includes both original text and its Japanese translation of the Historic Site and Monuments Act and Parks Canada Agency Act, as basic legal instruments for heritage conservation in Canada. It also includes an overview of the heritage conservation system by a Canadian government official.

JAPANESE and ENGLISH, 117pages

published in March 2022

PDF files

The World Heritage BAGAN, Myanmar - The Great Wall Paintings


This book summarizes some of our activities at the Bagan Archaeological Site - a UNESCO World Heritage Site - in Myanmar, which were started in 2016 and are ongoing. It elaborates on 58 wall paintings of the temple based on the research findings of an iconographic survey. It also describes the training session on the conservation and restoration of the temple's wall paintings, for the staff of the Bagan branch of the Department of Archaeology and National Museums, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture of Myanmar.

JAPANESE, 197 pages

published in November 2011, for sale by YUZANKAKU

VERNACULAR HOUSES in Bhutan, Western Central Area - Thimphu, Punakha, Paro, Haa -


This is a reference book on the traditional farmhouses for Bhutanese heritage conservation experts and officers. Based on the Bhutan-Japan joint survey of the western central area in 2016-2018, the book consists of individual interpretations of 41 notable traditional houses, discussions related to villages and houses, countermeasures and proposals for heritage conservation, and proceedings of the workshop for traditional house conservation.

ENGLISH, 238 pages

published in March 2021

PDF files

Understanding Our Heritage / Pema Visits A Rammed Earth House


This is a picture book for disseminating the significance of rammed earth traditional houses as cultural heritage to local people and communities. It was planned and designed by the Bhutan-Japan experts joint team to be used as a textbook of social studies in junior high school. The production and printing were financially supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan.

ENGLISH, 36 pages

published in March 2022

The List of Dr. ITO Nobuo Library

An inventory of documents and materials pertaining to administrative practices, international cooperation, private activities, and research on architectural history and cultural heritage, particularly related to the heritage conservation by ITO Nobuo (1925-2015), former director of Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. These documents and materials were donated to the Institute in 2021.

JAPANESE, 55 pages

published in March 2022

PDF files