National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo > Reconsidering “Form”: Towards a More Open Discussion

The 37th International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
Reconsidering “Form”: Towards a More Open Discussion

Statement of Intent
Registration Form

Session 1: Forms as Groups

 The same type of motif or shape “forms” appear in multiple things. When we focus on those shared characteristics, there appear some cases where a specific form maintains the same meaning or function as it is transmitted, disseminated and inherited. Conversely, there are some cases where meaning or function changes to something completely different. Or indeed, then there are the cases where there is absolutely no mutual connection. Individual separate forms can also be grouped for consideration, whether in terms of personal style, period style or regional style.

 This focus on forms’ shared aspect is an absolutely standard study approach. And yet, because of that pervasive factor, it is necessary to not only refine the involved methodologies within each discipline, it is also crucial to open cross-discipline discussion. This session will bring together the methodologies used to consider form in different disciplines, and reconsider the true nature of those standard methodologies.

Session 2: Form as Individual

 When we are fascinated by an artwork, more so than what that artwork shares with other forms, we are most strongly struck by its own unique quality. If it is a work whose uniqueness transcends its period, that distancing from period style makes it all the more striking. It is not always easy to discuss the connection between such exceptional forms and other forms, or to discuss them in historical terms linking them to their own period context.

 This session will focus on the uniqueness of such individual forms. While this may not be the normal study method in which we discern universally applicable rules, we cannot avoid the rivalry between the exceptional and universal when our studies focus on art that has been dubbed masterpiece or master work. We would like to search for a means of making open discussion possible while making each individual unique form the object of our study.

Session 3 That Which Supports Form

 Materials that make up form, techniques and tools that enable form, individual or group consciousness or philosophy that stand in the background of form, corporeality, social trend or political situation contexts, or those things which surpass all such considerations and can only be called chance; supported by all manner of things, form is born by people at a certain time and is recognized by people of that and other times.

 This session will bring together studies that approach the question of form by transcending individual considerations such as genre, period and region. Whether actual object or simply image, we take an awareness of form as the starting point, then must broaden our consideration to that which surrounds form, and in the end, once again return to the issue of form. The gathering of a number of examples reveals the expansive nature of these issues related to form, and this session will delve into the issues and potential of such methodologies themselves.

©Independent Administrative Institution National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo