[ About the database ]
This open access database combines six of the following cultural studies related databases into one.
SISJAC Database: Information collated by the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (approximate number of records: 5,113) [information continuously being added]
This database includes Japanese art related publications. The database was created as part of the project ‘Shaping the Fundamentals of Research on Japanese Art’ which the Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems at the Institute has been conducting in collaboration with the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) in the UK since 2013. (The database lists publications, printed from January 2013 onwards in principle.)
Go to SISJAC website
Art Related Publications (approx. 580,000 records) [new records regularly added]
Articles from Nihon bijutsu nenkan / Year Book of Japanese Art (Annuals of Japanese Art) published by Tobunken. This database includes published and unpublished articles in this printed Annuals. Articles are collected from periodicals, newspapers, exhibition catalogues and museums newsletters. Database includes articles not held in our collection. The information is continually updated and corrected but please note that the exhibition articles published in 1997 and 2004 are incomplete.
Please note that exhibition articles may appear under ‘Related Information [exhibition titles / venues]’, and book reviews may appear under ‘ “Related Book Titles” Authors’.
Articles from Independent Administrative Institution National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties associated publications (approx. 22,000 records) [new records regularly added]
Articles in Tobunken publications (books, periodicals and exhibition catalogues etc. From 1929 to present). Articles in the following periodicals are available to read online: Hozon kagaku (Science for Conservation), Geinō no kagaku (Performing Arts Studies) and Mukei bunkaisan kenkyū hōkoku (Research and Reports on Intangible Cultural Heritage). Full-text PDF access to Tobunken published articles is underway.
Articles from Traditional Performing Arts Periodicals (19,880 records)
This database includes articles from the following three periodicals:
• Yōkyokukai (A comprehensive Noh plays journal with scholarly articles and reviews on Noh performances. Published by Yōkyokukai Hakkōgjyō. January 1915 – March 1944);
• Nōgaku gahō (A comprehensive Noh plays journal with photographs of Noh stages. Published by Haishodō. March 1909 – March 1941.);
• Makuai (Key kabuki journal covering post-war era theatres in the western part of Japan. Published by Wakeishoten. May 1946 – October 1961)
Articles from Geppō Zenshū monthly journal supplements (approx. 12,500 records) [new records regularly added]
Articles from Geppō monthly newsletter supplements in the Tobunken’s collection. The database contains all articles published in the supplements, including those covering topics other than cultural properties. The database contains articles that are not held in the library.
Articles from Bijutsu zenshū (Complete Works of Art History) (3,826 records)
Articles from various ‘zenshū’ (complete works) related to art, published between 1920s and 2000s. While new data from recent years is no longer added, the preexisting information is made available for public access to encourage historical research.
[Notes on searches]
- When searching names in Japanese, enter the surname followed by the first name with no space in between.
- Please note, particularly in the case of people’s names, that the use of kanji in these databases is inconsistent, containing all shinji, kyūji and itaiji.
- ‘■’ denotes characters that cannot be displayed (including special kana readings or symbols over characters).
- Please separate keywords by using space.
- Quick Search
- The keyword will be filtered by the ‘OR’ condition.
- Advanced Search
- Filters keywords by selecting either ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ conditions.
- Performs prefix search using the first letters of the keyword. (If prefix search is not selected, the results will be filtered by partial match search.)
- Specifies data range by selecting BETWEEN for [Publication Year].
- Keywords in multiple fields will be filtered by the ‘AND’ condition.