- 22nd November, 2016 Added the search target
- 23rd October, 2015 ”Publications on Japanese art (published outside of Japan)” data release
- 23rd October, 2015 Change the menu name of “Information Search”
- 21st August, 2015 Added the search target
- 16th July, 2015 In References on Cultural Properties,update
- 30th April, 2015 “Information on modern-contemporary art exhibitions and film festival” Database release
- 30th April, 2015 English page open
- 20th March, 2015 検索対象データベースの追加
- 3rd February, 2015 IEで「研究資料データベース」検索がNot Foundになる不具合解消のお知らせ
- 9th January, 2015 東文研刊行物の一部に記事内容(PDF)を添付いたしました