[About the database]
Information collated by the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) in the UK [Information continuously being added]
This database lists books and exhibition catalogues that have been published outside of Japan from January 2013 onwards.
Go to SISJAC website
[Tips on Searching]
- Please separate keywords by using space.
- Filters keywords by selecting either ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ conditions.
- Performs prefix search using the first letters of the keyword. (If prefix search is not selected, the results will be filtered by partial match search.)
- Specifies data range by selecting BETWEEN for [Date].(2000 to 2002 -> ‘2000 2002’ ,checked ‘BETWEEN’, checked ‘Prefix matching’)
- Keywords in multiple fields will be filtered by the ‘AND’ condition.
Last update 17 May, 2023 (1,094 recoreds)