Top page > Over 900 Japanese Art Exhibition catalogues became accessible in the Getty Research Portal

Over 900 Japanese Art Exhibition catalogues
became accessible in the Getty Research Portal

 We are very pleased to announce that 926 volumes of the exhibition catalogues of Japanese art became accessible online as a fruit of cooperative project between the Getty Research Institute in the U.S and the Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties (Tobunken) in Japan. These catalogues are in the collection of the Tobunken which were published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries including the catalogue of the World’s Fairs and group shows in Meiji and Taisho eras. The data would be found in the Getty Research Portal( and the site of Tobunken below.
 You are welcome to view or download the every pages of these catalogues. We hope it will contribute to new discoveries and richer research on Japanese art.
Searching the Getty Research Portal with the keyword of "hakuba-kai", you will get the result including data of the catalogues in the collection of Tobunken which lead PDF pages of the particular items. The image above is from the "Commemorative Catalogue of Hakuba-kai " published in 1905 which contains the images of the works burnt down by disasters.
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