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International Symposium: Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Commemoration of visit to Japan
International Collaboration in Art Archives and Libraries


Responding to recommendations for collaboration between MLA (museums, libraries, and archives), in recent years, many research institutions, such as libraries, museums, and universities, have been providing their collections and research results on an open access basis, and multiple institutions are collaborating to make richer information resources available to the public and promote research. It can be said that information sharing and collaboration are going beyond existing frameworks and are expanding internationally. Since 2016, the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (Tobunken) has been conducting joint research with the Getty Research Institute in the United States, and has been providing information on materials held by Tobunken on the Getty Research Portal, as well.

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) will be holding its first study tour in Japan. The 16 participants, all from art libraries and university libraries in the United States and Canada, are engaged in managing their collections, disseminating information, and collaborating with other institutions on a daily basis, and are all interested in Japanese art archives and libraries.

As a place for mutual exchange, a symposium will be held on the occasion of the ARLIS/NA study tour of Japan. The Japanese side will give presentations on comprehensive digital archive activities and art archives, while the North American side will give five presentations on activities at art libraries in North America and initiatives at libraries that hold Japan-related materials, followed by a research discussion. This symposium will provide an opportunity to share information about art archives and art libraries, and explore future possibilities for international collaboration.

*Presentations will be delivered in Japanese and English (Simultaneous interpretation available, Limited number of receiver).

Date and Time Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – 13:30-18:00
Venue Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (Tobunken), Seminar Room
Capacity 70 Seats, Admission Free, Advance reservation required
*Please apply through the form at the bottom of this site. When the seats are full, the application will be closed.
Organizer Tobunken and ARLIS/NA
Cooperation JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 24K00037, KIKKAWA Hideki: Research on archive and its methodology on Japanese post-war art: based on three case studies


13:30〜13:40 Opening Address

[Presentation 1]
Japan Search: National Platform of Digital Archive (Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, National Diet Library)


[Presentation 2]
Modern and Contemporary Art Archives owned by Tobunken(Kikkawa Hideki, Tobunken)


Break time


Case Studies in Japanese Collections from ARLIS/NA

[Presentation 3]
Introduction –and– Objective Enthusiasm: the Papers of Edward Sylvester Morse (1838-1925) (Dan Lipcan, Peabody Essex Museum)

[Presentation 4]
Connections between University of Illinois and Japan(Emilee Mathews, University of Illinois)

[Presentation 5]
Teaching with Video Games -- Using Animal Crossing: New Horizons to Support Student Success in the Library(Alexandra Austin, Pratt Institute)

[Presentation 6]
Japanese Rare Books & Materials in Libraries of the Mountain West of the United States(Elizabeth Smart, Brigham Young University Library)

[Presentation 7]
The Omori Story -- American Artist Annie Shepley (1856-1941) and Japanese Olympian Hyozo Omori (1876-1913) in Bowdoin College Special Collections and Archives (Maine, USA)(Angela Lorenz, Visual artist based in New England and Bologna, Italy)


Break time


Discussion including Q&A for the presentations, Discussant: Yamanashi Emiko, Director of Chiba City Museum of Art


Social Gathering




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