ブックタイトル未来につなぐ人類の技17 煉瓦造建造物の保存と修復


このページは 未来につなぐ人類の技17 煉瓦造建造物の保存と修復 の電子ブックに掲載されている45ページの概要です。


未来につなぐ人類の技17 煉瓦造建造物の保存と修復

? Dopo la polvere : rilevazione degli interventi di recupero post-sismico del patrimonio archeologico, architettonico ed artistico delle regioni Campaniae Basilicata danneggiato dal terremoto del 23 novembre 1980 e del 14 febbraio 1981 (anni 1985-1989). Italia: Ministero per i beni culturali eambientali. Soprintendenza generale agli interventi post-sismici in Campania e Basilicata? Binda, L., et al. "Guidelines for restoration and improvement of historical centers in seismic regions: the Umbria experience." 4th InternationalSeminar on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. (2004).? Modena, Claudio, et al. "Structural interventions on historical masonry buildings: review of Eurocode 8 provisions in the light of the Italianexperience." Eurocode. Vol. 8. (2009).? Modena, Claudio, et al. "L’Aquila 6th April 2009 earthquake: emergency and post-emergency activities on cultural heritage buildings." EarthquakeEngineering in Europe. Springer Netherlands, (2010): 495-521.? Modena, Claudio, et al. "Structural health monitoring: a tool for managing risks in sub-standard conditions." Journal of Civil Structural HealthMonitoring 6.3 (2016): 365-375.? Report of the Mission to the earthquake affected areas in the Emilia and Lombardy regions of Italy 7-8 June 2012. Paris: UNESCO World HeritageCentre? Penna, Andrea, et al. "Performance of masonry buildings during the Emilia 2012 earthquake." Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12.5 (2014): 2255-2273.? Casarin, Filippo, and Claudio Modena. "Seismic assessment of complex historical buildings: application to Reggio Emilia Cathedral, Italy."International Journal of Architectural Heritage 2.3 (2008): 304-327.? Modena, Claudio, et al. "Criteria and technologies for the structural repair and strengthening of architectural heritage." International Conference,Chennai. Vol. 13. (2013).43